


The article deals with scientific approaches to the definition of “lawmaking”. The description of the definition of “lawmaking” is carried out. The place of lawmaking in norm-setting activity is explored.

The scientific approaches to the definition of “lawmaking” are considered. The description of the definition of “lawmaking” is carried out. The place of lawmaking in normative activity is investigated.

The rules of law are created, changed and terminated as a result of normative activity. Among the types of normative activities, a special place belongs to lawmaking, because the laws that are created, change as a result of lawmaking, have higher legal force. Consequently, a clear definition of the concept of “lawmaking” is important. The problem was given by many researchers, in particular, V. E. Telipko, V. M. Kirichenko, O. M. Kurakin, S. P. Kotalychuk, Yu. A. Vedernikov, V. S. Grekul et al. However, among scholars there is a lack of unity of views on the definition of “lawmaking”, since this phenomenon is complex and multifaceted. Thus, the purpose of the article is to study the concept of “lawmaking” and determine the place of lawmaking in normative activities. Conclusions and suggestions. Consequently, the concept of “lawmaking” can be considered both in the broad, and in the narrow sense. Lawmaking in the broad sense is considered as legislative activity, and definition of lawmaking in the narrow sense is a legislative process. Also, lawmaking plays a very important role in law-making activities. The notion of “rulemaking” and “lawmaking” are correlated as general and partial, since in the process of rulemaking there are any legal norms, and in the process of lawmaking, only laws.


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How to Cite

Заверуха, В. Г. (2018). CONCEPT “LEGISLATION” AS A COMPOSITE PART OF THEORETICAL SUBJECT OF NORMATIVE ACTIVITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (2 (56), 100-103.