The article deals with the classification of financial security threats to businesses and organizations. The result of analysis showed that there are quite a number of reasons for classifying threats to financial security and they should be considered in the activities of enterprises and organizations. Some ways to prevent threats to financial security and the development of strategies to prevent these threats were proposed. List all the types of threats to financial security is virtually impossible, because they may be as not determined at an early stage and has become known in the activity. However, in combating all threats must play a crucial role security companies and organizations. The main focus of these groups, first of all, should be the task of creating a classification of threats that may affect the financial security and development of forms and methods of countering such threats. In order to ensure financial security is the need to develop a strategy to ensure financial security. Construction of such a strategy should include the following principles: unity (social, economic, political and so on. Al.), Timeliness and adequacy of response selection path of threats and effectiveness of countermeasures.
There are examples of the development strategy for financial security, which includes overall objectives, specific objectives, which are designed for short term and the long term. The strategy should provide for all of these threats. Thus they should be divided into real, possible and those that can occur in rare cases.
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