
  • I. Yu. Luchka


The legal nature of goodwill in respect of the entity. Proposals concerning the filling of content relevant concepts and protection of nature in a competitive entity. Proved that the definition of goodwill in the legal sense and the possibility of measuring both the intangible benefits will extend to the reputation property rights provided for intellectual property. Definition reputation in the legal sense and the possibility of measuring both the intangible benefits will extend to DR property rights provided for intellectual property, the right to use intellectual property rights; author’s exclusive right to authorize the use of IPR subject and author the exclusive right to prevent unauthorized use of intellectual property rights, including prohibit such use; IPR other property rights established by law. Thus, under the use of intellectual property refers to any form of putting it into economic circulation. It should be noted that intellectual property is considered to be used in the production or sale dates it as a commodity, or the date of the lease, or the date of commencement of operation of internal processes, or from the date of barter. Resolution of these property rights can be made on the basis of special agreements. This license agreement, treaty establishing commissioned and use of intellectual property, the agreement on transfer of exclusive intellectual property rights and so on.


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How to Cite

Лучка, І. Ю. (2017). THE ESSENCE OF BUSINESS REPUTATION REGARDING BUSINESS ENTITIES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (52), 116-123. Retrieved from