
  • O. V. Zinchenko
  • P. S. Matvieiev


Processes occurring in the field of intellectual property and innovation require analysis of the legislative process, implementation by business and their impact on the economy of Ukraine as a whole.

Accession to the World Trade Organization and Ukraine chosen path of integration into the European Union requires the introduction of effective means of protecting intellectual property rights, convergence and integration to the national economic system of the EU, introducing innovative development model, which was adopted by the EU base.

Thus there is a need not only to harmonize national legislation with international norms and standards, and national machinery and process the appropriate legal protection of intellectual property. This, in turn, requires a lot of attention to the problems associated with government regulation in this area, introduction and improvement of clear mechanisms for this regulation.

The goal of the study is to determine ways to improve the system of providing legal protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights and on this basis to achieve harmonization of legislation in this area in the development of innovative economy. A key factor to enhance the innovation of Ukraine is the development and application of advanced technologies and high-tech products and the state should be the main source of funding for the accelerated start of science, technology and innovation. Accordingly, improvement requires a regulatory framework for closer cooperation between the government and the business sector.Processes occurring in the field of intellectual property and innovation require analysis of the legislative process, implementation by business and their impact on the economy of Ukraine as a whole. Accession to the World Trade Organization and Ukraine chosen path of integration into the European Union requires the introduction of effective means of protecting intellectual property rights, convergence and integration to the national economic system of the EU, introducing innovative development model, which was adopted by the EU base. Thus there is a need not only to harmonize national legislation with international norms and standards, and national machinery and process the appropriate legal protection of intellectual property. This, in turn, requires a lot of attention to the problems associated with government regulation in this area, introduction and improvement of clear mechanisms for this regulation. The goal of the study is to determine ways to improve the system of providing legal protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights and on this basis to achieve harmonization of legislation in this area in the development of innovative economy. A key factor to enhance the innovation of Ukraine is the development and application of advanced technologies and high-tech products and the state should be the main source of funding for the accelerated start of science, technology and innovation. Accordingly, improvement requires a regulatory framework for closer cooperation between the government and the business sector.


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How to Cite

Зінченко, О. В., & Матвєєв, П. С. (2016). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THE CONDITIONS OF INNOVATIVE ECONOMY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4 (51), 15-22. Retrieved from