
  • V. A. Bortnyk


The study essence of the right to respect for honor and dignity formulated the following generalizations: First, the subject under consideration does not favor public relations honor and dignity as social values, and the right of an individual to respect for his honor and dignity; Secondly, this right is absolute, subjective, moral rights of the individual are inherent and belongs to any individual (regardless of gender, age, origin, nationality, economic status, religious or political beliefs) on date of birth to the moment of her death, thirdly, that right includes three individual components: 1) the ability of an individual to perform or not to perform the appropriate actions to create an image of respect for her dignity and honor; 2) the ability of an individual to demand from others public relations of good behavior (commit or not commit actions) which is adequate and objective assessment of the individual, its behavior and personal qualities, as well as adequate and objective terms, this evaluation; 3) the ability to require the state (public authorities): a) take measures to protect the right to respect for the dignity of persons, restoration of the rights of non-pecuniary damage caused by abuse, prosecution of other participants in public relations, violated the right to respect for the dignity of the person, measures of prevention and warning of attacks on respect for the dignity of the person; b) providing legal mechanisms by which the person may request the other participants in public relations of good behavior, resulting in regards to her honor and dignity, and legal mechanisms of other participants in public relations, which would exclude attacks on respect for the dignity person; Fourth, the subject of the studied public relations is both an individual right to respect for his honor and pavo individual to respect for his dignity in regard to share these rights and consider them as a matter of public relations, torn apart impossible. In connection with the above, the need to amend the Criminal Code of Ukraine is argumented.


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How to Cite

Бортник, В. А. (2016). SUBJECT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS, WHICH ARE OBJECTED TO CRIMES AGAINST HONOR AND DIGNITY OF A PERSON. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4 (51), 23-34. Retrieved from