
  • T. O. Kostiuk


Parliamentarism as a form of popular representation is a natural consequence of the society development and recognizes the essential element of a modern democracy. Institute of political representation (parliament), been mainly formed democratically, expresses the essence of democracy and is a form of political communication building its work on the basis of compromise and consensus. The crisis of modern political parties seriously affected parliamentarism and democracy in general, calling into question the validity and relevance of the tenets of liberal democracy for modern society, because every new historical form of democracy degenerates into a better, adapting the requirements of time. An alternative is the concept of a monitor democracy, the key presuppositions of understanding of which is that promoting a departure from unilateral understanding of democracy based on the principles of fair elections and promotes to keep the power of government in check, to subordinate governments, corporations and other institutions to public oversight and control over monitoring institutions, to improve the quality of political representation.


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How to Cite

Костюк, Т. О. (2015). PROBLEMS OF LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITY IN UKRAINE AND MONITORING DEMOCRACY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4 (47), 51-55. Retrieved from