




physical education, healthy lifestyle, motive, student


The article presents analyzes of the dominant motives for physical education during studying in agricultural higher educational institutions, which contribute to the formation of students’ need for a healthy lifestyle. These include the motives of emotional satisfaction, social self-affirmation, physical self-affirmation, social-emotional, social-moral, success in sports, sports-cognitive, rational-volitional, preparation for professional activities and civil-patriotic. Particular attention is paid to determining the leading motives of girls and boys. Reliance on the leading motives of students during classes on physical education is proposed. The results obtained indicate that physical education attracts the attention of students mainly in the communicative and active aspect, but not in terms of regular physical education or sports. It is pleasant to communicate, engage, be with friends, develop motor abilities, assert oneself, develop physically and temper one’s character, do not want to get fat and become lazy, they want to be healthy, achieve good results in school and work, and get joy from physical activity. In the ranking, the definition of the dominant motives that students prefer, among young men, the motive of emotional satisfaction occupies the first place, the preparation for professional activity takes the second place, and the physical selfaffirmation motive is in third place. Among girls, the first place is occupied by the motive of physical self-affirmation, in the second place – by emotional satisfaction, in third – by preparation for professional activity. The results of the study prompt teachers of the department of physical education, on the one hand, to take into account the dominant motives of students, and on the other, to the need to further more actively engage in the formation of students’ motivation for physical exercises. In particular, to build relationships with students aimed at supporting their capabilities and psychological state, and increase interest in conducting classes on physical education. An analysis of the literature and our own practical experience indicates that the problem of the formation of motivation for physical exercises of students of higher educational institutions is very relevant. Therefore, the teachers of physical education should play a priority role in the formation of attitudes among young people to assimilate the value potential of physical education, a healthy lifestyle, and the actualization of students’ physical self-improvement and their health-saving behavior. Further scientific research may be associated with the study of negative and positive motivation for physical education, and then the search for overcoming the negative or insufficiently motivated attitude of students to physical education.


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