
  • Olena HALYTSKA



social presence, affective indicators, interactive indicators, cohesive indicators, online learning


The article presents an analysis of social presence indicators of German online communication. We want to examine contributions from tutors and participants in forums on the learning platform Moodle and identify indicators of online social presence, their functions and aims. Feedback in online contexts serves a different function than in face-to-face contexts: online communication primarily takes place in writing. Feedback is beneficial for both parties, the feedback provider, and the feedback recipient. In this article, we deal with example forum posts that represent tutor feedback and participant feedback from online contexts. We focused on the texts themselves, but we also considered the context in which these forum posts were made and presented three indicators. The cohesive indicators serve the function of connecting participants’ contributions and promoting collaboration. They relate to the contributions of other participants, quoting them, agreeing or disagreeing, giving praise or encouragement, and inviting further reactions. The cohesive indicators help to establish a common ground, strengthen the sense of belonging, and develop a supportive and cooperative community in the forum. The interactive indicators are used to promote interaction and exchange among participants. They can be used to ask questions, initiate discussions, share opinions and experiences, as well as provide feedback and responses. The interactive indicators contribute to increasing participation and active engagement of forum participants, creating a lively and dynamic forum. The affective indicators serve to express emotions and moods. They allow participants to communicate their feelings, opinions, and reactions to specific topics or contributions. The affective indicators help establish a personal connection, express empathy, and influence the atmosphere in the forum. They contribute to creating a positive and emotionally engaging communication environment. The study showed that affective, interactive, and cohesive indicators contribute to improving communication and interaction in a forum. They facilitate the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and experiences, increase participation, and create a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all participants in the online course. The practical application of research materials and results may be seen in their use in teaching online courses.


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