



French-speaking countries, French-speaking culture, foreign language learning, artistic texts, linguistic competence, intercultural competence


The eternal problem of choosing the best method of teaching foreign languages has always been guided by the task of improving the communication skills of the student. One of these methods of learning French is to familiarize students with the culture of French-speaking countries. Knowledge of foreign culture is one of the key skills acquired in the process of learning a foreign language. Francophone culture covers a wide range: Francophone literature which is extremely rich, the complex and fascinating history of Francophone countries, Francophone art diversified in its movement and style, from classical painting to modernity, varied Francophone music, ranging from traditional French song to contemporary pop music, traditions and customs. Today, the choice of teaching materials available to a foreign language teacher is quite wide: from ready-made methodical brochures and methodical textbooks to available authentic journalistic materials and fiction. We aim to explore different aspects of the culture of French-speaking countries to develop a deeper understanding of these societies and appreciate their cultural diversity. The aim of the study is to evaluate the different policies and strategies for using French culture for the teaching of the French language at university. The scientific novelty is that by exploring the societies of French-speaking countries, one can look at sociological topics such as social structure, inequalities, gender dynamics, migration, cultural integration and social movements. These studies allow students to deepen their understanding of the contemporary issues and challenges facing these societies.


Bourguignon, Claire et Péry-Woodley, Marie-Paule "Culture and the Foreign Language Classroom" (2008) Aportaciones para una educación lingüística y literaria en el siglo XXI. Chapter: 27 Editorial GEU 2. Francophonie et rayonnement culturel. [En ligne]:

Frenette, Yves, Étienne Rivard et Marc St-Hilaire (2013). «Les mutations de la francophonie contemporaine » dans Yves Frenette, Étienne Rivard et Marc St-Hilaire (dir.), La francophonie nordaméricaine. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval [En ligne]:

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Johnson, Keith. An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. London. Pearson Longman. 2018. p. 378

Kramsch, Claire et Avery, Patricia. The Multilingual Subject: What Language Learners Say about Their Experience and Why It Matters. Modern Language Journal. Oxford University Press. 2012 p.248

Leblond Martin, Sylvaine ; Meeùs, Nicolas Couprie, et al. Musiques orales, notations musicales et encodages numériques. Les Éditions de l’Immatériel, 2016, p.240

Little, David. "Language Learner Autonomy: Theory, Practice and Research" Language Teaching , Volume 55 , Issue 1 Cambridge University Press 2022. pp. 64 – 73

Lorcin Patricia M. E. et Shepard Todd. Francophone Cultures and Geographies of Identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2021. p.410

Nadeau, Jean-Benoît et Barlow, Julie "Francophonie, la langue française dans le monde" Paris, Gallimard 2020 p.370

Pinto, Jorge & Nélia Alexandre (eds.). Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends (Contact and Multilingualism 2). Berlin: Language Science Press. 2021. p207

Pruvost, Jean. Les dictionnaires français, outils d'une langue et d'une culture. Paris, OPHRYS; New edition. 2021. p 200

