
  • Tetyana POTAPCHUK
  • Volodymyr ONYSCHUK
  • Nataliia ANNENKOVА




performing skill, creative development, musical and performing abilities, concert activity, students of musical education


This article examines the importance of performance skills in the professional training of students of music education. It has been established that highly artistic performance of vocal works has a significant impact on listeners, can cause a deep emotional impression and interest in vocal art. The article examines various aspects of performing arts, such as performance technique, expressiveness, interpretation, and conveying emotions. It is emphasized that a sufficient level of performing skill is a necessary condition for the successful development of musical talents and ensuring a professional career in the field of vocal art. It has been found that performance is a key aspect in the field of music that requires deep understanding and relevant skills. A performer, regardless of his musical instrument or genre, must possess not only the technique, but also the ability to convey feelings, emotions and individuality through his performance. It is well-founded that performing skill is a process of continuous development that requires self-discipline, work and dedication to music. The path to musical excellence lies in the improvement of technical skills, understanding of the musical language and one's own creative self-expression. In addition, the performer must be open to new ideas, experiments and communication with listeners. The significance of the repertoire in the preparation of students for concert-performance activity is given, which consists in the fact that, in addition to the development of their vocal abilities, artistic taste is formed, and general musical-performance abilities are developed: hearing, rhythm, emotionality, artistry. The approaches and recommendations presented in the article can contribute to the development of performance skills and the achievement of musical sophistication.


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