educational process, students, future navigators, future electromechanics, physical training, individualisation of training.Abstract
In the article, the author substantiates the issue of individualisation of professional and applied physical training of future navigators and electromechanics of the maritime industry. It is noted that in the context of modern technology development and increased requirements for physical and mental endurance of maritime industry specialists, it becomes obvious that physical training needs to be adapted to the individual needs of each student. The professions of navigator and electrical engineer require high levels of physical endurance, coordination of movements, quick reaction, the ability to withstand psychological stress in extreme conditions, and the ability to act effectively in stressful situations. Individualisation of professional and applied physical training allows to take into account these requirements more accurately and ensure optimal development of professionally significant qualities. It is emphasised that an individualised approach contributes not only to physical development, but also to the improvement of professional competences, psychological stability and social adaptation. The purpose of the study is to analyse and investigate the peculiarities of introducing individualised methods and means of physical training that take into account the professional characteristics of future shipmasters and electromechanics in the maritime industry. The methodology of the study is based on the analytical method through the analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, namely the definition of key concepts and the identification of theoretical foundations and practical recommendations. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the scientific substantiation of an individualised approach to physical training, which takes into account the specifics of the professional requirements of the maritime industry, physical, psychophysical and personal characteristics of each applicant. Conclusions of the study. It has been established that the individualisation of professional and applied physical training of future seafarers and electromechanics is an integral part of the training of maritime specialists. It allows to effectively combine physical training with professional requirements, thus improving the quality of the educational process and the readiness of graduates to perform their duties in difficult conditions of the marine environment.
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