weights, upper and lower extremities, physical therapy, ergotherapy, muscle strength, muscle endurance.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of upper and lower limb weights used in physical therapy, ergotherapy and sports. The use of limb weights is an effective method in both physical therapy, occupational therapy and sports, as they help to improve strength, endurance, coordination and flexibility of muscles. The authors explore various aspects of these devices, including their design and opportunities for improvement. The article provides an overview of different types of weights, such as belts and cuffs with pockets, which are designed to insert weights in the form of kettlebells or other heavy materials. The article analyses the benefits of using weights, including increasing resistance, increasing training intensity, developing muscle strength and endurance, and their role in injury recovery. The authors explore the positive aspects of using weights in detail, but also highlight the limitations and drawbacks. They discuss uneven load distribution, weight limitations, possible discomfort, and wear and tear on the devices. Attention is drawn to the need for proper use and adjustment of weights to avoid injuries and negative consequences. In addition, the article discusses the possibilities of improving the design of weights, taking into account new technologies and innovations. The importance of further research and development of these devices to improve their effectiveness, comfort and safety is emphasised. By analysing the different aspects of upper and lower limb weights, this article provides readers with a summary of these devices and contributes to an understanding of their impact on sport and physical therapy. It can be useful for coaches, physical therapists, occupational therapists, athletes and anyone interested in developing fitness and improving training.
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