


Anaphraseus, CAT tools, Memsource, translation, translators, SmartCAT, Wordfast, Wordfast Anywhere.


Globalization and the rapid pace of development of scientific and technical progress, which prevail in the modern world, have led to the automation of many areas of human activity, including the field of language and translation. The object of our research was CAT tools and their place in the structure of training future translators. The purpose of pictures, our research is a comprehensive analysis and substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the introduction of the translation automation system to the structure of professional training of future translators of master’s students at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. The specified question is analyzed in the context of studying the discipline «Machine translation». During the teaching of machine translation by students, it is possible to observe and note that the number of errors and the correctness of the transmission of industry terminology depends on the level of mastery of CAT tools. CAT tools also help future translators complete translation tasks with a team that takes into account the work done by translation partners in real-time. In a time of the work, from the point of view of the correct transfer of key industry terminology, it was possible to disprove the hypothesis that the translation performed by means of CAT tools will be worse, both in terms of the number of errors and in terms of the percentage of correct transfer of terminology, compared to the results demonstrated by the student. Thus, CAT tools become an integral part of the modern training of future translators who will be able to use them to solve complex translation tasks at a high level. This directly depends on the quality of mastering various CAT tools. Further research of the analyzed problem can be focused on the study of the mechanisms of introducing CAT tools into the training program for future graduate translators.


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How to Cite

ТРЕБИК, О., ПОЛТОРАЦЬКА, А., & КАПІТОН, А. (2023). CAT TOOLS AND THEIR PLACE IN THE STRUCTURE OF TRAINING FUTURE TRANSLATORS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (6), 57-63.