word nest, vertices, TTF «BESTEUERUNG», tax legislation, term unitsAbstract
The article considers that the word-formation systems of both related and unrelated languages are of great importance, as they allow not only to identify linguistic universals of general derivatology, but also to study the formal and semantic structure of derived words and complex word-formation units in each language. It also allows us to determine their role in the processes of linguistic nomination. The peculiarities of conceptualization of reality in different languages are determined by the structure of these languages, which makes the comparison of wordformation systems important for identifying derivational units that are mental reflections of human experience and knowledge. The analysis of derived lexemes focuses on determining their semantic space and word-formation properties. Therefore, studies that focus not on individual words but on word-formation nests are promising. A word-formation nest is an ordered set of words with a common root, organized by the relations of derivation. Its structure determines the place of each component in the language system, and the sequence of subordination demonstrates the stepwise nature of word formation. Word-formation nests reveal the semantics of the root as a semantic core that serves as the basis for a whole group of related words. The analysis of the nest allows us to determine the word-forming potential of the root, establish a set of derivatives, and identify semantic connections with the motivating word. Such studies make it possible to reveal the national and cultural specificity of the wordformation nest as a lexical microsystem, which is especially important when analyzing universal words with broad word-formation relations. The relationship formed in this way creates a complex unit of word formation, having a common derivational basis and being at the same level of word formation. All words act as derivational bases and form their own word-formation paradigm.
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