
  • Yuliia KOBETS



Swot-analysis, political institutions, political system, strategy


In the article the author analyzes the peculiarities of appliance of SWOT-analysis tools to increase the efficiency of the political system in general and its components. The aim of the work is to clarify and highlight issues related to the essence of the method and matrix of SWOT-analysis, its advantages and restraints, as well as to offer several hypotheses of how to use this method in the study of political systems of different types. The author concludes that this analytical methodology is an integral part of the process of forming a strategy for the development of political systems, especially transient kinds SWOT-analysis has become one of the most innovative and promising tools for applied political and theoretical conceptual political science research. This method is able is to give political scientists and politicians very specific recommendations on the organization and conduct of various types of research, development of promising projects and their implementation in politics. Methodology. The use of this methodology makes it possible to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of both individuals and the political project as a whole. Also with the help of these tools it is possible to study the external competitive environment. Scientific novelty. An approach based on the use of a universal strategic tool SWOT-methodology is suggested. Opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses in the study of political systems have been identified. Conclusions. The process of statics and dynamics of the political system on the SWOT-analysis basis should ensure each of the following requirements: formation, concentration and strengthening of own preferences (forces) of a political entity (political subsystems, political institutions and organizations); reduction, neutralization, rebranding of shortcomings (weaknesses) of the political system; attracting and using opportunities provided by the external political environment; counteracting those factors of the external political environment that will potentially worsen the dynamics of the political system.


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How to Cite

КОБЕЦЬ, Ю. (2022). THE USING OF SWOT-MATRIX IN THE ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1 (59), 37-41.