
  • Olena TIURINA



Euro-Atlanticism, politics, European Union, world politics, international stability, globalization, defense policy


Today, integration processes on the European continent are deepening in various directions. France's vision of the future of the EU differs from that of other countries, and a detailed study of France's European foreign policy vector will provide a better understanding of geopolitical realities on the European continent. As one of the pioneers of European integration, the country pursues an active policy of reform and deepening relations between member states and supports EU enlargement. The relevance of the study arises from the need for a full study of the role of the French Republic in the international arena, and in particular in European integration processes after the collapse of the bipolar system. Today, integration processes on the European continent are deepening in various directions. France's vision of the future of the EU differs from that of other countries, and a detailed study of France's European foreign policy vector will provide a betterunderstanding of geopolitical realities on the European continent. As one of the pioneers of European integration, the country pursues an active policy of reform and deepening relations between member states and supports EU enlargement. The purpose of the research. Study of conceptual and practical aspects of ensuring the national security of France in the context of the Euro-Atlantic political process, taking into account the demographic and environmental situation, modern transformation and globalization of both external and internal threats to national interests of modern France. Methodology: empirical (experiment, observation, description) and theoretical (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, etc.), as well as systemic, functional, specific sociological. Scientific novelty. the scientific novelty of the study is, first of all, that the problem of national security of modern France is revealed on a broad theoretical, methodological and political basis, as one of the important components of political science; the chosen topic is studied in close connection of special knowledge with various branches of social sciences – history, philosophy, political science, psychology, with extensive use of various political theories and technologies, social values and political forecasting, which certainly significantly enriched the content of political science. theoretical and methodological basis. Conclusions. The concept of “national security” in public administration is described in the context of the study of its various aspects (factors of existence, facilities, units, etc.). Analysis of these aspects has shown that there is no single well-established definition of “national security” that would satisfy scholars in different fields and in all countries, as each offers such a definition based on their own interests and values formed during a particular historical period. It turned out that these interests and values determine the criteria for ensuring the level of national security, the construct of which consists of variable and immutable components. The passage of time and changing modern conditions require an emphasis on protecting the vital interests and values of people and citizens, society and the state, and therefore timely detection, analysis, prevention and neutralization of real and potential threats, problems and risks to these interests. The content of public security policy management in this context is the formation and implementation of legal, organizational and economic measures that involve the use of management methods and tools to protect national interests in all areas of their activities, taking into account a number of common, complex, effective, efficient, public, honest, etc. .


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How to Cite

ТЮРІНА, О. (2022). FRANCE’S CURRENT EURO-ATLANTIC POLICY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1 (60), 57-60.