social responsibility, business, environmental, practices, projectionsAbstract
The problem of environmental social responsibility is today in the center of attention both many countries and the world community. Its significance increases as a result of globalization processes, growing influence of business structures and their environmental products, the danger of the external environment of enterprises and regions, etc. In the management of modern organizations, the innovative practices of business ethics became widespread, the component of which are environmental responsibility that are actively implemented throughout the world. However, there is a need to further elaborate the theoretical and practical principles of the concept of environmental social responsibility and experience of leading corporations on the peculiarities of its implementation, which is due to the need to prevent the negative consequences of the negligent attitude to the environment, the formation of the theory of sustainable development. The purpose of the study is to assess the theoretical and practical aspects of innovative practices in management in the context of environmental social responsibility in the country and internationally and determining the directions of spreading their use. As a result of the concrete analysis of the main aspects of the programs of protection of energy and water resources, new approaches to the dissemination of environmental initiatives in business activities are proposed. This concerns the introduction of innovative approaches to the modification of products, the use of major criteria, features and motives of environmental corporate responsibility of companies, identifying the impact of environmental components of brands, the use of environmentally-oriented lending, etc. In order to solve identified problem issues, tested innovative Ukrainian practices and foreign experience of environmental responsibility of business are analyzed. Efficient tools and innovative approaches to ensure environmentally responsible orientation of business entities in Ukraine are offered in the work of developing and implementing environmental innovative business organization projects.
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