
  • Valentyna YAKUBIV
  • Khrystyna ROMANIUK



civil service of Ukraine, motivation, personnel, motivation of civil servants, public sphere.


The formation of an effective motivational mechanism that meets modern conditions and is flexible to rapid economic change is an important condition for the use of human resources. It is also worth noting that the right motivation allows you to increase the efficiency of tasks and achieve goals, increase the level of corporate culture and improve competitive positions. Civil servants need not only to create interesting conditions for the quality of their tasks, but also to create appropriate conditions. This quality depends, first of all, on motivated and professional civil servants who are ready to make quick decisions, as well as use all the flexibility, creativity and innovation of thinking. The article describes the use of theories of motivation of human activity in the civil service. The classification of basic theories of motivation into 3 groups: primary theories of motivation, substantive theories of motivation and procedural theories of motivation. Among the primary theories of motivation were the theory of Frederick Taylor, the theory of “whip and gingerbread” and the theory of “X–Y–Z”. It is established that the basis of primary theories of motivation is the historical experience of human behavior. Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs, Clayton Alderfer’s theory, David McClelland’s theory and Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory were considered within the framework of meaningful theories of motivation. The basis of the existence of meaningful theories of motivation is the need. Among the procedural theories of motivation were Victor Vroom’s theory of expectations, Beress Skinner’s theory of increasing motivation, Edwin Locke’s theory of goal setting, Stacy Adams’ theory of justice and Porter- Lawler’s theory. It is established that the basis of procedural theories of motivation is the line of human behavior. Researched theories of motivation will provide a better understanding of the needs and motives of civil servants.


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How to Cite

БОРИШКЕВИЧ, І., ЯКУБІВ, В., & РОМАНЮК, Х. (2022). USE OF THEORIES OF MOTIVATION OF HUMAN ACTIVITY IN THE CIVIL SERVICE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 12-18.