



communication strategy, community, communication discourse, management, local government.


The article examines the essence of the definition of “strategic communications” and notes that strategic communication is an important element of managing complex social systems. It was found that the use of strategic communication tools allows you to effectively create and publish important information that has a significant impact on the target audience. This helps to solve environmental problems at the national and local levels. It is emphasized that although the issue of strategic communications is an important element in solving environmental problems, it is not sufficiently studied in the scientific field. The main characteristics of strategic communication in the environmental sphere are highlighted. The importance of the communication strategy in raising the level of ecological culture by building high-quality interaction in the system of “government-public” is emphasized. It is noted that building a communicative structure is an important element of effective dissemination of environmental culture in society. The differences between strategic communication and the concept of “public relations” are outlined. It is noted that effective strategic communication involves the development of a detailed communication strategy. The process of developing a communication strategy is characterized and its structural components are presented. The practical level of development of communication strategies at the level of territorial communities is considered and the positive and negative aspects of such practice are highlighted. It is established that any communicative activity should have a strategic direction, be systematic, coordinated, well thought out and controlled properly. The essence of ecological communication is characterized and the strategies and tactics of ecological communication, which should be used at the local level, are described. The main tasks of the communication strategy in the environmental sphere are highlighted.


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How to Cite

КОНОНЕНКО, І. (2022). STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SPHERE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 25-30.