state economic policy, managerial approaches, stage, social crisis, realization, social protection, formation, citizens.Abstract
The article notes that the events of the beginning of the XXI century have changed in the processes of political stabilization and economic reconstruction, and until recently it seemed that this trend would be difficult to stop. Dependence on the global economy, characteristic of all states, has led to complex transformations and social problems characteristic of the period of economic crisis. There is a need to consider how public authorities have responded to the economic crisis, especially in its social context, and to answer the question of whether long-term programs have been implemented to modernize the economy. In countries with underdeveloped democratic values, power is interpreted as all the economic and social activities of the government are reduced to the care to maintain as much influence as possible on the subjects. Therefore, today we should not expect a clear crisis response strategy, nor should we expect too pragmatic actions aimed at creating a far-reaching development plan. The recipe for the economic crisis and increasing poverty will be to harness the potential of cheap labor and encourage investors to take action through a system of preferential tax rates or other political preferences. Responsibility for the “failure” of public policy, understood in terms of a holistic system aimed at developing a socially responsible economy, and hence activities aimed at improving the quality of education, health, sustainable development, social capital, is not only public authorities authorities and the citizens themselves. In civil society, the government appears as a foreign institution, which, if advantageous, uses all means to achieve its specific goals, but which in no way inspires public confidence. The prevalence of corruption, the low quality of the ruling elite, and difficulties in accessing public institutions mean that even the most ambitious model of public socio-economic policy is doomed to failure. In this context, the economic crisis can be used not so much to reform public spending as to reform the administrative apparatus and build a civil society based on the idea of social solidarity.
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