
  • Yurii KRAVCHYK



national economy, structural reforms, institutional changes, governance, systemic development.


The aim of the study is to identify systemic shortcomings (in the structural and institutional aspect) of the functioning of the national economy and substantiate the recommendations for the modernization of domestic public administration of the systemic development of the national economy of Ukraine. The study reveals the urgency of the problem of modernization of public administration of the systemic development of the national economy of Ukraine. It is shown that the key systemic defect of public administration is irrational structural characteristics of the functioning and development of the economic system. To confirm this hypothesis, the structure of gross value added and economic activities in Ukraine in 2010–2019 is analyzed. The dynamics of industrial and machine-building products of Ukraine in 2000–2019 is characterized. The dynamics of fixed assets and energy intensity of domestic GDP is summarized. The place of Ukraine in the world ranking of corruption perception in 2012–2019 is analyzed. The level of shadowing of Ukraine’s economy (calculated by different methods) in 2010–2019 is shown. The high level of corruption crime and raiding in Ukraine in 2013–2020 is proved. Indicators of import dependence of the national economy in 2008–2019 were analyzed. The applied significance of the research results is that the strategic vectors (institutional-organizational, institutional-legal, infrastructural-mental) of improving the system of public administration, as well as strategic priorities of systemic development of the national economy of Ukraine, including technological modernization and neo-industrialization of the national economic system; systematic de-shadowing and formation of a healthy and transparent competitive environment; development of entrepreneurship and expansion of the middle class; modernization of the social security system; improving the investment attractiveness of strategic sectors of the economy; balanced development of the internal market and regional economic systems; increasing resource efficiency and energy efficiency of production and housing. The scientific novelty of the research results is to improve the methods of analyzing the problematic aspects of the systemic development of the national economy.


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How to Cite

ПРЯМУХІНА, Н., & КРАВЧИК, Ю. (2022). MODERNIZATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF SYSTEMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 50-60.