
  • Roman ROMANOV



parties, party leadership, structure of political representation, competencies of a political leader.


Leadership in parties is considered as an important mechanism for translating demands and making collegial democratic decisions in the presence of political competition. The peculiarities of “positive selection” of party leaders, which is built on democratic principles for people who have passed and received leading positions on the basis of personal achievements, have been studied. The importance of the qualities of professionalism and creativity, which are inferior in the influence of the criterion of loyalty and attributes of belonging to the ruling group or clan. The specifics of establishing the importance of party leadership as one aspect of traditional party management are clarified. The article uses professional political science methodology. In particular, comparative analysis describes the institutional foundations of party-political leadership in a sustainable democracy. Descriptive analysis determines the importance and impact of key organizational dimensions of party-political leadership. Professional methods include a retrospective approach and the method of systems analysis. They are aimed at identifying important areas of modernization of party-political leadership in democracies and transformational states. The systemic regularities of party- political leadership in the conditions of digital mediacracy are also revealed. Attention is paid to the criteria of effectiveness of the party’s political leadership, which are not only the acquisition of power, but also the role of political force in society and internationally. It has been established that the rigid administrative-bureaucratic structure of the organization of pre-digital parties has already lost its effectiveness. It is proved that in the conditions of sustainable democracies modern political parties compete with social movements and “non-core”, “additional” political organizations. It has been established that in modern Ukraine the party leadership does not go beyond the nominated candidates in the framework of political projects. The non-public nature of the origin of party leadership in Ukraine, which reflects the processes of interaction between political and business elites, is revealed. It has been found that party leaders who become public officials as a result of elections must have a high level of managerial competence. It has been proven that the art of political communication for a party leader is to successfully engage in top media content and events.


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How to Cite

РОМАНОВ, Р. (2022). PARTY POLITICAL LEADERSHIP: MAIN VECTORS OF TRANSFORMATION IN THE MODERN WORLD. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 61-65.