
  • Boris FILATOV



patriotism, political management, political alternative, decision making, political representation of the public environment.


The establishment of optimal trajectories of political governance in conditions of competition and diversity of alternatives is considered. Areas of combination of statehood development and political transformations and assessment of the importance of ideological orientation of politicians are studied. The essence of patriotic attitudes of political management on the basis of political realities of the present and interpretation of managerial retrospective is revealed. The peculiarities of political management as one of the bases for building relations between civil society and institutions of political representation and governance are established. The potential of patriotic political management in the context of improving the quality of political decisions is discussed. The aim of the article is to clarify the theoretical foundations of the study of patriotic political management in modern democracy. The article uses general (analysis, synthesis) and professional methods of political science (comparative and structural-functional) methods. The motivation of political management is connected with the institutional structure of democratic politics. The importance of patriotic motivation of managerial political action, which consists in creating a situation of high probability of patriotic political decisions, is clarified. The need for careful political analysis and forecasting of the situation is revealed. It is established that the structural and functional expression of patriotic political management is associated with elements of preparation and implementation of management strategies. The patriotic political alternative is studied as a set of provisions that determine the options for action of centers of public governance and socio-political activity in the face of threats to security and stability. The content of the patriotic matrix of political governance is clarified and serves as a system of guidelines and optional reactions to changes in the situation.


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How to Cite

ФІЛАТОВ, Б. (2022). PATRIOTIC POLITICAL MANAGEMENT: APPROACHES TO THEORETICAL REASONING. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 92-96.