



state interests, interaction, prosecutor's office, public authorities, local self-government bodies, representation.


The article is devoted to the investigation of the interaction of the prosecutor's office with public authorities and local self-government in the process of protecting the interests of the state, as well as the development of recommendations for improving this activity. The essence of the state's interests was analyzed and it was established that the Constitution of Ukraine assigned the duty to protect them to public authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as in some cases to the prosecutor's office. It is argued that the presence of a common direction of activity determines the interaction between the specified subjects, and the author's definition of the latter is proposed. The author concluded that the basis for the interaction of competent authorities regarding the protection of the state's interests is the establishment by the prosecutor's office of certain problems of the protection of the state's interests by the relevant subject or a joint initiative of interacting partners. It was established that the interaction of the competent authorities regarding the protection of the interests of the state is carried out in accordance with the forms defined by law, and are not exhaustive. The article pays special attention to the representation of the state's interests in court by the prosecutor's office. The reasons for the implementation of this constitutional function of the prosecutor's office are highlighted. Also, on the basis of the analysis of regulatory legal acts and materials of court practice, the author established the forms of interaction of the prosecutor's office with public authorities and local self-government bodies in the preparation process and during the direct representation of the state's interests by the prosecutor in court. In addition, the article provides general recommendations for ensuring the independence of competent bodies in the process of interaction to protect the interests of the state. Attention is focused on the lack of a single systematic and comprehensive legal act, which would regulate the process of interaction of competent authorities to protect the interests of the state in various situations, and a proposal is made to improve the current legislation by creating a corresponding branch order by the Prosecutor General's Office.


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How to Cite

ВЕЛИКОДНИЙ, Д. (2022). INTERACTION OF THE PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE WITH PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN THE PROCESS OF PROTECTING THE INTERESTS OF THE STATE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 35-41.