
  • Pavlo BASHAK



Aerospace industry, arms exports, Space Industry Development Program, state monopoly, private sector.


The article is devoted to analyzing and systematizing the problems of the aerospace industry. In recent years, Ukraine has been actively selling military equipment, hardware and weapons. Overall, the export of military goods, including aerospace equipment, has significantly weakened the state's military potential and made the country vulnerable both in terms of the military component and national security as a whole. The authors consider the following to be the main problems of the aerospace industry as part of the militaryindustrial complex of Ukraine: insufficient budget financing, the absence of the country's own spaceport, the mass exodus of the intellectual elite from the country to work in developed countries, the impossibility at this moment to approve the Sixth Space Program for the coming years, the state monopoly in the sector, corruption. The main problem of the lack of industry development is the direct military conflict with the Russian Federation, which directly affects not only this strategic sector, but the defense industry as a whole. The right and economically justified step in solving the problem of industry development and restoring the sector's own production would be to fight the state monopoly and adopt new bills that would allow private investment and initiatives in this industry market. The global experience of public-private partnership, easing of regulatory procedures, transparency of bureaucratic mechanisms, active anti-corruption policy contributed to the fact that the USA, G-7 countries, Turkey took the leading positions in the development of space programs, export of aircraft, space exploration and research. The article presents ways to eliminate the problems of the aerospace industry as a whole, as well as recommendations with their clear reasoning and validity in the researched area. The scientific potential gained during the last decades in the IT sphere, as well as the experience in the design and production of military aerospace equipment, supported by a quality regulatory framework, would contribute to the growth of enterprises, the export potential of the country, the possibility to replenish its own military reserves. The state the aerospace industry is in requires clear and urgent action by the government, because over time the situation will only get worse.


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How to Cite

ДАНИЛОВИЧ-КРОПИВНИЦЬКА, М., & БАШАК, П. (2022). PROBLEMS OF THE AVIATION AND SPACE INDUSTRY AS PART OF THE DEFENSE-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 60-65.