mechanisms, public administration, regional development, European integration.Abstract
The proposed article examines the mechanisms of state management of regional development and develops priority directions for the transformation of the mechanism of state management of regional development for the purpose of implementation into the European system of public administration. The author determined that the most important stage of the process of managing the development of the regional socio-economic system in the conditions of European integration is the construction of the implementation mechanism. The author emphasized that the mechanism of regional development management is a purposeful complex influence of regional authorities and management together with other interested subjects of management and management on all subsystems of the region to achieve the intended result, namely a qualitatively new state of the regional socio-economic system. The goal of the work. The purpose of writing the article is to research the mechanisms of state management of regional development and to develop priority directions for the transformation of the mechanism of state management of regional development for the purpose of implementation into the European system of public administration. Methodology. General methods (theoretical and complex) and a special research method (forecasting) were used. Scientific novelty. The priority directions of transformations of the mechanism of state management of the development of regions are given, namely: ensuring the rights and freedoms of the citizen; legal assistance to business entities; social partnership; political cooperation; functional management of the economy and social sphere; separation of powers at the state and regional levels. Conclusions. It was emphasized that in the conditions of European integration, the main task for Ukraine is to make maximum use of the favorable macroeconomic situation, to identify the most effective tools for the activation of the cooperation of subjects in order to add systematicity and complexity to the process of interaction between the state and business with the help of effective managerial influences. It was emphasized that the priority task at the regional level should be the introduction of the investment and innovation model of the development of the regional economy.
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