
  • Rostislav PASHOV



bodies of public authority, civil society, of the public opinion, interaction of government and citizens, civil society institutions.


The article examines the problem of interaction between civil society institutions and public authorities, which is one of the central issues in management science. The topic of civil society development is an urgent need for our state and an important task for greater democratization of state processes. Formation of public opinion is a very important function of public authorities and shapes the perception of certain decisions by civil society. A developed civil society, in turn, has a positive influence on the activities of the authorities and conveys public opinion to the government offices through interaction with the state. The cooperation of civil society institutions with state bodies opens up new opportunities and approaches to emerging issues. This problem is extremely relevant in our time, because civil society institutions are drivers of changes in specific fields and in most cases have a positive effect on the actualization of decisions. Also, the article analyzes methods of influence on the formation of public opinion and ways of determining public opinion. After all, the formation of public opinion today appears as a necessity in order to determine the historical fate of the people. Three main ways of determining public opinion are described and their effectiveness in today's realities is determined. Structures and organizations that are part of the sector of public authorities are trying to expand their circle of influence on citizens in order to popularize the priorities of state policy and consolidate their positions on the political arena of Ukraine, using various tools of interaction with society, one of such tools is public opinion. The implementation of European values is unreal without close interaction between the government and citizens and institutions of civil society. In recent years, we can see positive trends in the context of communication between state bodies and civil society and its individual representatives. The conclusions emphasize the importance of further interaction with civil society for the purpose of positive development of the state on the way to further democratization and Ukraine's accession to the European family.


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How to Cite

ПАШОВ, Р., & КРИВОРОТ, О. (2022). COLLABORATIVE ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN CIVIL SOCIETY AND BODIES OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY THE CREATION OF THE PUBLIC OPINION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 124-130.