
  • Andrii FALKOVSKY



mechanism of protection, executive bodies, state power, constitution.


The institutional component of the protection mechanism is reflected in the activities of domestic bodies involved in the process of protecting human and citizen rights and freedoms in Ukraine. The main role in the institutional mechanism for the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms belongs to the President of Ukraine, executive power bodies, law enforcement agencies, as well as civil society institutions. The role of the President of Ukraine in the organizational and legal mechanism for the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms in Ukraine is determined by the fact that he is the guarantor of the Constitution. An important condition for the establishment and development of Ukraine as a legal state, based on the principles of the rule of law, mutual responsibility between man and the state, is an independently functioning judiciary capable of ensuring fair and effective protection of the rights of every person. A special place also belongs to the courts, the prosecutor’s office, internal affairs bodies, and other law enforcement agencies, which play an active role in protecting the rights and freedoms of people and citizens. The role of executive authorities in the organizational and legal mechanism for the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms is to organize the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. The problem of ensuring the implementation, protection and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen by state authorities has become particularly relevant today. The successful performance of these tasks largely depends on the correct, scientifically based management of society, all manifestations of its vital activities, improvement of the state administration system. The further development of democracy, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens are inextricably linked to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the entire system of state bodies, which is explained by a number of objective and subjective factors caused by new approaches to solving many important tasks facing the state.


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How to Cite

ПУШКАРЕНКО, С., & ФАЛЬКОВСЬКИЙ, А. (2022). INSTITUTIONAL COMPONENT OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION MECHANISM. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 136-141.