public administration, information security problems, challenges and threats, effective protection, information space.Abstract
The article examines the problems that hinder the complete information security of our state. The author determined that they include: lack of clarity during the implementation of state policy in the field of formation of the Ukrainian information space; insufficient development of the national information infrastructure; lack of institutions that will comprehensively provide a system of information security in the state administration; formation of innovative informational dangers that require immediate and effective solution; backwardness of domestic information technologies. The author emphasized that today one of the main problems of ensuring information security of Ukraine is information expansion, unbiased and unbiased coverage of facts and phenomena on the part of the Russian Federation. The author states that the priority directions of the state information policy should be: Ukraine’s integration into the global and regional European information space; creation of its own national model of the information space and ensuring the development of the information society; modernization of the entire state information security system and formation and implementation of an effective information policy; improvement of information security legislation. The goal of the work. The purpose of writing the article is a comprehensive justification and analysis of the information security problems of Ukraine and the selection of promising directions for their solution. Methodology. In the proposed article, it is determined that, unlike state authorities, local self-government bodies are exposed to greater risk. After all, the most important information that belongs to local authorities is at risk, in particular: mortgage documents, records of past crimes, births, deaths, health insurance, as well as access to information about military personnel and other confidential information. Scientific novelty. It is noted that the problem of information security in the system of state and local administration will exist for many years, or even forever. It has been proven that in the era of the information society it is necessary to adapt to all innovations in the field of information technologies. And during the creation of the latest technologies, develop means of protection against organizations that pose a threat to the information security of Ukraine. Conclusions. It is emphasized that in the modern conditions of information confrontations, expansionist policy of the Russian Federation, the national information space of Ukraine is not adequately protected from external negative propaganda informational and psychological influences and threats. It was emphasized that currently the protection of information sovereignty, the creation of a powerful and effective system of information security in Ukraine, the development of effective strategies and tactics for countering media threats should be the priority tasks of the authorities of state and non-state institutions.
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