geostrategy, geostrategy theory, geostrategy methodology, natural law method, strategic potential, strategic national values, strategic national interests, strategic priorities, geostrategy of modern Ukraine, sectoral strategies.Abstract
The development of geostrategy as a political and security theory makes it necessary to refer to the study of various research methods. The logic of modern transformational processes involves clarifying the potential of the natural law theory for additional substantiation of geostrategy as a different political theory, its individualization, and fundamental methodological difference from geopolitics. Based on the natural law theory, modern trends in the strategic landscape, which influence the formulation of modern Ukraine’s geostrategy, are interpreted. The article’s context is laced with the concept of Realpolitik, which advances theoretical knowledge’s synergistic potential and strengthens political science’s methodological level. Amidst constant transformations of political relations under the influence of globalization and regional factors of the modern international political system and the formation of new world order, geostrategy is presented through political-security and legal discourse. Thus, two relevant research lines are considered: 1) geostrategy as the state’s political and security practice and function; 2) geostrategy as a conceptual act of strategic law-making at the highest level. The model is an integral outcome of the extrapolation of methods of political science, legal regulation, security studies and modeling. The author also scientifically justifies the application of force and other modern and innovative tools, including strategic communications and hybrid wars, by specific political institutions which formulate and implement a geostrategy for ensuring the necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine and provided with strategic potential for the direct realization of strategic national interests. It is scientifically proven that the natural law method puts God’s Faith and Worldview balance at the top of the effective development of the national state, which, with the help of the duty of a disciplined rank, identifies its own national ideal, the balance of power and internal order, peace and development, solidarity and justice. The following neologisms are introduced into political science: deinfrastructuring, infrastructural cynicism, infrastructural de-sovereignization. As comprehensive political lexemes, they are the result of the application of the natural-law method to the formation of the geostrategy theory’s system of categories and concepts. The matrix of scientific methods of the theory of geostrategy is presented for the first time.
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