public administration, state control, health care, medicine, administrative and legal mechanism.Abstract
The article examines the objects of state control in the health care system of Ukraine. The author emphasized that despite the significant number of subjects of state control in Ukraine, their activities, unfortunately, are carried out without coordinated cooperation. It has been proven that in fact, state control does not function as a single system, but takes the form of separate units that independently guarantee the performance of their tasks and functions, which are determined by numerous laws and decrees of the President of Ukraine, government resolutions and other legal acts. The author draws special attention to the fact that individual actions of state control objects in the field of health care do not reflect the general state of affairs, and therefore do not guarantee the implementation of actions in accordance with the list of relevant standards for the implementation of the decision. It is clear that due to such a course of events, inconsistencies, duplication, lack of clear interaction, and sometimes contradictions arise. All this suggests that under an imperfect system of state control, such an institution would be at least ineffective and even harmful. Duplication of the function of state control in this regard leads not only to the ineffectiveness of this control, but also causes excessive spending of the state budget and nullification of the very purpose of state control. It is substantiated that the main task of all subjects of state control in the field of health care of Ukraine should be to increase the efficiency and safety of medical care, and all possible state, private and public resources should contribute to this. It was concluded that the subjects of state control in the field of health care are, on the one hand, a fairly stable category, and on the other hand, they are constantly reforming and changing. After all, if the bodies whose competence is defined by the Constitution of Ukraine are to some extent traditional subjects of power, whose role and importance are in the field of health care, then the National Health Service of Ukraine is a new body, the powers of which will be reviewed with the aim of improving them and inclusion in the general system of control and supervisory powers of public administration.
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