
  • Valentyn KOLIECHKIN



information sphere, society, communications, politics, mass media, public administration


The article is dedicated to the review of a number of research methodologies of state management of the information sphere in the postmodern age, as well as the highlighting of conclusions regarding the system of such management in Ukraine. The works of foreign and Ukrainian specialists in public policy and public administration have been analyzed and it has been found that despite the existence of quite a large amount of special literature on the problems of public administration in the information sphere, there are insufficiently or in-depth analyzes of individual aspects of such administration and its further practical improvement. The article pays special attention to the fact that information in the modern world has, under many circumstances, significantly changed its nature and features, and this is its decisive influence on the individual, large groups of people (societies), states, politics, etc. The author concluded that the globalization of mass media is a range of problems that must be objectively analyzed because it is the globalization of the world, which is far from a positive integration and communication process. It was also concluded that there is an appropriate regulatory and legal framework for optimal regulation of social status and functioning of information in modern Ukraine, but the mechanisms of self-regulation of information media need significant improvement. Attention is focused on a number of studies by social scientists, in which it is noted that information policy is directly related to the socio-humanitarian sphere. At the same time, it is necessary to fundamentally separate information in general from social information. In addition, a range of theoretical and applied issues and problems were considered, including informatization and state management of social systems. A range of problems of purely state management of the information sphere is also analyzed.


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How to Cite

КОЛЄЧКІН, В. (2023). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE INFORMATION SPHERE IN THE POSTMODERN AGE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(64), 43-47.