
  • Rostyslav SHCHOKIN



public management system; the field of physical culture and sports; foreign experience of the public administration system; the American model of the public management system in the field of physical culture and sports; European and Asian model of public administration


The article examines the experience of foreign countries in order to find optimal models and tools capable of contributing to the improvement of the domestic system of public management in the field of physical culture and sports. The article highlights three main management models: American, European, and Asian, characterizes the national sports functioning system and their public management system characteristic of them. The public management systems of foreign countries considered in the article are analyzed according to the following criteria: the level of state participation in the regulation of the sports system; the type and form of the organizational model and management structures that coordinate the sphere of physical culture and sports; mission, goals and principles of the public management system in the field of physical culture and sports; peculiarities of regulatory and legal regulation and resource provision in the field of physical culture and sports. The American and European system of public management in the field of physical culture and sports is singled out and characterized. The European system of public administration singles out countries in which the state administration of sports is carried out at the federal level by an independent specialized body (France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Hungary); countries that do not have an independent specialized body of state administration, and management is carried out by public organizations, an association of sports federations, associations and unions (Germany, Denmark, Norway, Austria). It was concluded that there is a need for further decentralization and improvement of relations between separate structures of the domestic sphere of public administration in the field of sports and physical culture; digitization of public management in the field of physical culture and sports; intensification of development and implementation of national programs, state standards for physical fitness of the population, monitoring of physical condition and health of all age groups.


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How to Cite

ЩОКІН, Р., & БЕЛЕНЮК, Ж. (2023). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(64), 115-120.