
  • Victoria ANDRIІASH



property, creativity, property objects, intellectual property, creativity, types of intellectual property.


The proposed article emphasizes that intangible goods as objects of intellectual property and intangible goods as values are inseparable from the individual and different in nature. The commonality in the legal regime of these objects is that they are objects of personal non-property rights. The differences lie in the nature of the relationship with the individual: if some are inherent in the individual from the fact of its existence, then others are the result of the individual's activity. Attention is focused on the fact that objects of intellectual property combine certain features: the special nature of the activity in which these objects are created; objective form of expression; consolidation (legitimization in a certain form) of the exclusive right of the creator or other right holder of the object of intellectual property. In connection with this, the author's definition of intellectual property objects was formed, as intangible results of intellectual activity presented in an objective form, to which the exclusive right of their creator or other right holder is secured in accordance with the procedure established by law. The important role of creative activity as a kind of intellectual activity is emphasized, with the help of which individual abilities, talent and worldview of the individual are realized, in the process of which a new intangible result is created, which is important for socio-economic relations regulated by law. It is proposed to define the objective form of expression of the object of intellectual property as an external form of expression of the result of intellectual activity, which ensures its perception and allows the possibility of its reproduction or communication to other persons both directly and with the help of special devices. The main features of intellectual property objects that ensure the system of legal regulation are highlighted. They allow the corresponding legal norms: to separate from others that regulate similar relations with them, to combine a separate legal education within the framework of the civil law field, and to internally systematize.


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How to Cite

АНДРІЯШ, В. (2023). CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OBJECTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(65), 5-10.