
  • Maksym PENKOV



state, public administration, concept of economic security, national security, national economy, sustainable development, management of financial and economic security, financial security.


The article highlights the essence of the concept of "financial security" in the context of national economic security of the state, characterizes the main conceptual approaches to the organization of state management in the field of financial security. The methods of ensuring security policy are outlined (informing, recommendations, clarification, monitoring, control, obligations, encouragement, coercion, etc.). Legal (normative, law-making, law enforcement, law enforcement) and non-legal (organizational, logistical, financial, educational, preventive, etc.) forms of security policy implementation are distinguished. In the context of the state's financial security policy, the so-called democratic forms of security policy implementation (dominance of people's interests, public (civilian) control, etc.) are implemented. It is emphasized that the security state policy is designed to timely detect, and therefore to warn and eliminate, to overcome any threats to society and the state, to the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is noted that the key components of financial security are: the appropriate degree of financial independence and stability of the state's financial system, taking into account external and internal destabilizing factors threatening national interests; protection of financial interests at all levels of financial relations; the ability of the financial system to ensure effective functioning and growth of the national economy. The main conceptual approaches to the organization of public administration in the field of financial security are highlighted: institutionalization of management activities in the context of implementation of the policy of financial security of the national economy; development of a complex of national priority areas of activity in the financial sphere; development of state mechanisms and methodical tools for assessing the formalization of financial interests and institutionalization of management activities in the process of implementing the policy of financial security of the national economy; modeling of a complex of market opportunities to avoid threats to the financial security of the national economy; identification and systematization of real and potential threats to the financial security of the national economy, etc. It is emphasized that financial security is a multi-level system created by a number of well-structured subsystems with logical development.


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How to Cite

ПЕНЬКОВ, М. (2023). CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO THE ORGANIZATION OF STATE MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF FINANCIAL SECURITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(65), 43-48.