professionalism, professional competence, professional training, public service, civil servant, personnel potential.Abstract
The article updates the task of creating an effective public service management system and a highly efficient and professional body of civil servants. The training and development of managerial personnel of the public administration system really belongs to the most significant and urgent problems facing society, science and the state as a whole, the solution of which will allow to achieve sustainable economic growth and structuring of socioeconomic relations in the era of digital technologies and market instability. The identified trends in the field of personnel work indicate that in the context of reforming the public service, innovative personnel technologies are needed, which will allow creating an effective system of public service personnel management in accordance with the modern requirements for civil servants. Taking into account the modern process of modernization and development of Ukraine, cardinal structural and functional changes in the field of organization of training of civil servants of a new generation that meet the requirements of modern society are becoming increasingly important. At the current stage of reforming public administration for the benefit of strengthening the state and developing civil society, the task of creating an effective system of public service management and a highly efficient corps of civil servants is a priority. This task can be solved by professionally developing a personnel policy and applying innovative personnel management technologies in state bodies. The problem of successful functioning of any organization is primarily the problem of effective personnel management. Under the leadership of the organization's personnel is understood the purposeful activity of the management of the organization, which includes the development of a personnel strategy, and its basis is the personnel policy, principles and methods of personnel management of the organization with the help of the entire complex of modern personnel technologies. It is emphasized that increasing the efficiency of the public service is impossible without the introduction of advanced management technologies into the management system of civil servants. The introduction and development of modern management methods gives rise to the development of personnel technologies, which are based on the establishment of indicators of personal efficiency and service-professional development of the employee.
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