
  • Nataliia BAZYLIAK



institutions of higher education, foreign experience, stage, quality of education, students, state educational policy, formation, implementation, goal


The article defines that the quality of education embodies a set of properties that determines the suitability for the implementation of humanitarian goals for the formation and development of a young personality in terms of its learning, upbringing, expressiveness of social, mental and physical properties. The state educational policy provides for a systematic coordinated influence on the pedagogical system, as well as on the complex of related main management and auxiliary processes in order to achieve the greatest conformity of the parameters of the functioning of the educational system, its social and pedagogical results. The foreign management of the quality of education was considered and it was established that the regulatory role in this process is played by society, which, due to demand on the labor market, brings its needs to institutions of higher education and controls the quality of training of graduates, therefore, in this regard, there are developed services in institutions of higher education promoting the employment of graduates. In particular, European legislation on education gives every citizen the right to freely develop his personality and choose a place of study, a profession according to his abilities and preferences It was found that the system of higher education ensures the formation of a specialist as a professional, develops the creative potential of an individual, and gives a sense of self-confidence. The system of self-evaluation has gained the greatest development, since the main and regulatory functions are performed by the institutions of higher education and society themselves, and not by the state. The list of educational programs is determined based on the needs of the economy and in close cooperation with social partners, since every citizen has the opportunity to get an education throughout his life. It has been proven that the goal of the state education policy of developed countries is to provide optimal support to each person and give them the opportunity to receive qualified training that meets their interests. The main goal of studying in institutions of higher education is to master theoretical knowledge and increase the general educational level of students. When obtaining a professional education, attendance at such a vocational school is mandatory, it is established by the relevant territorial laws.


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How to Cite

БАЗИЛЯК, Н. (2023). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF POLICY FORMATION REGARDING THE QUALITY OF PROVIDING SERVICES TO APPLICANTS IN UNIVERSITIES OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF OWNERSHIP. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(66), 5-10.