
  • Andrii VASYLENKO



open science, Republic of Bulgaria, European Research Area, available data, research infrastructure, e-infrastructure


The article analyzes the state policy of open science in the Republic of Bulgaria. The relevance of the chosen topic and the investigated problem is because the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community, and their member states provide for Ukraine's course aimed at attracting it to the European Research Area. Such involvement is only possible by coordinating current state policies in science. Therefore, consideration of the existing example and disclosure of the specifics of the approach to the implementation of the paradigm of open science at the state level of the Republic of Bulgaria will contribute to a better understanding of the necessary directions of action in the development of the Ukrainian state policy of open science, which will speed up the European integration processes of Ukraine. During the preparation of the article, several materials from Ukrainian and foreign (in particular, Bulgarian) scientists were processed, but the analysis of the latest research and publications showed that despite the attention paid by researchers to the problems of open science, a low level of research on this issue from the point of view of public administration is noted. The purpose of the article is to highlight the process of the formation of the state policy of open science and the introduction of modern mechanisms for its implementation in the countries of the European Research Area in the example of the Republic of Bulgaria. Under the goal, the primary material of the study provides examples of the interaction of state institutions and science structures. Examples of measures that can be considered and taken to create and implement an authentic Ukrainian vision of scientific activity, considering Ukraine's involvement in the European Research Area, were also shown. When conducting scientific investigations, the researcher relied on such documents as the National Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research in the Republic of Bulgaria 2017–2030 and the National Plan for the Development of the Open Science Initiative in the Republic of Bulgaria. Based on the research results, conclusions were obtained regarding the level of formation and degree of implementation of the state policy of open science in the Republic of Bulgaria. The national features of this process were noted, and recommendations were made regarding the prospects for further scientific exploration.


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How to Cite

ВАСИЛЕНКО, А. (2023). THE ESTABLISHMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STATE OPEN SCIENCE POLICY IN THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA COUNTRIES (REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA EXAMPLE). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(66), 20-28.