public management, public social, policy, legislative and regulatory frameworkAbstract
One of the primary tasks of modern public policy is to ensure high-quality management of all spheres of social life, that is, to ensure the real absence of the poor and a working mechanism for the protection of socially vulnerable sections of the population. At the same time, the well-being of society is ensured not only by the redistribution of property in favor of others, but by stimulating and ensuring the active, proactive activity of all citizens. It directly depends on the financial and economic state of the country, consists of active and passive components and the development of legal acts that would regulate all these positions. Active social policy regulates labor relations, the labor market and employment, providing the population with jobs, passive – is aimed at supporting socially vulnerable sections of the population. The article analyzes in detail the international legal framework that regulates the provision of public social policy: international and intergovernmental agreements, intergovernmental conventions, the general declaration of human rights, the European social charter, the European social insurance code. Each legal assembly, which contains a number of normative legal acts, which strengthen the level of public social policy provision through legal norms. Also analyzed are Ukrainian normative legal acts in the regulation of public social policy: the Constitution of Ukraine, international and intergovernmental agreements, documents on the basic principles of public policy in the field of social protection of the population, legislation establishing the provision and guarantees of special rights, documents relating to certain segments of the population or a specific problem, the regulatory framework that regulates the mechanism of actions in the social sphere at the local level, agreements between individual jurisdictions. Each regulatory document has a weighty contribution to the stabilization of public social policy and the level of its provision. The main goal of social policy is to increase the level of social security and well-being of the population, which is characterized by a high level of target orientation.
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