
  • Oleksandr POPROTSKYY



international organizations, information, strategic decisions, management


The article examines the practice of using information support for management decisions by international organizations and borrowing world experience for the purpose of its application in domestic public administration. World and regional organizations in the conditions of global digitalization of the information space act as a fullfledged participant in international relations and, as relevant actors of international interactions, make relevant political management decisions. They are intended to remain a political reality of international relations and will require a scientifically based analysis regardless of the forms of manifestation – whether at the global or regional level. The presence of structured and ordered independent sources of information expands the opportunities for actors to obtain reliable information in a convenient form and creates conditions for increasing the efficiency and reliability of information support for managerial foreign policy decisions, the effectiveness of information support for public political activity, as well as the formation of relevant global public opinion. Therefore, the development and constant improvement of international legal norms will make it possible to effectively regulate the relations of actors of international life in the sphere of the realization of their informational rights and obligations and to create a system of independent control over the activities of the state. processes of regulation of internal and external crises, improvement of socio-economic relations in the country and between states, to be used to promote and promote new ideas of international cooperation and formation of the external and internal image of the state.


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How to Cite

ПОПРОЦЬКИЙ, О. (2023). THE PRACTICE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ON INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR MANAGEMENT DECISIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(66), 54-63.