




local political identity, local agenda, political modernization, political transformation, political values


Local political identity in conditions of decentralization is considered, which becomes the basis for the self-expression of citizens' positions and the articulation of pragmatic interests. Local political identity is studied, which determines the specifics of local democracy and local leadership as institutional prerequisites for the political self-sufficiency of the local community. The meaning of local identity is revealed, which needs to be studied based on the definition of the vector of managerial influence on the course of socialization of members of the local political community. The purpose of the article is to establish the specifics of the formation of local political identity in the context of the institutionalization of local political management in modern Ukraine. The article uses general logic (abstraction, generalization) and special political science methods (comparative method and political-legal approach). Within the limits of scientific novelty, it was established that local political identity in Ukraine has a more pragmatic character, determined by the state of development of specific communities. The institutionalization of local communities as political communities that are autonomous from regional and central agendas is discussed. The dynamic character of the determination of the local political agenda and local political demands, which are established in the Ukrainian political tradition, is studied. The specifics of local political identity in Ukraine are clarified, which is a prerequisite for improving the mechanisms of local political representation. The sequence of changes in the social order in certain territories, which prompted the activity of the main socio-economic groups, is revealed. It has been established to ensure a high degree of legitimacy of local political management, which is connected with the specifics of the functioning of local political identity. The functions of local political identity, designed to balance the influence of central and regional authorities on the agenda of local communities, are studied. Behavioral patterns of local political leaders who seek to use local political identity as fully as possible and are forced to use central-level political institutions are revealed. As part of the conclusions, it is proved that decentralization as a prerequisite for democratic transformations at the local level provides an opportunity for the formation of the local community as a subject of forming its own political agenda.


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How to Cite

ХМЕЛЬНИКОВ, А. (2023). LOCAL POLITICAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF LOCAL POLITICAL IDENTITY FORMATION IN CONTEMPORARY UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(66), 74-78. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2022-6(66)-10