
  • Taiier AMRO




e-government technologies, communication, public administration, online portals, mobile applications, electronic services, cyber security, martial law


The article provides a scientific and theoretical review of electronic government and communication technologies in the context of public administration during the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014-2023. The author examines modern information technology methods used by government bodies to improve the efficiency, accessibility and transparency of management processes. Various aspects are covered including e-Governance, e-Identity, e-Democracy and e-Services. The purpose of the study is to analyze the technologies of electronic government and communication of public administration during the war. Methodology. This article uses an analytical approach to the study of electronic government technologies and public administration communication. The author conducts an analysis of available research, legislation and the practice of using information technologies by government bodies. General scientific methods are involved in the research. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study of e-government and public administration communication technologies lies in the following aspects: the study offers a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of various e-government and communication technologies, including electronic document management, online portals, mobile applications, electronic services, etc. Special attention is paid to innovative approaches and unique solutions that can be applied in the context of public administration during martial law. Conclusions. Technologies of e-government and public administration communication play an important role in improving the efficiency and accessibility of public services, contributing to the increase of interaction between the state and citizens. Thus, online portals, mobile applications and electronic services are becoming increasingly popular forms of interaction between citizens and government agencies, providing convenience, speed and 24/7 availability, especially in martial law.


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How to Cite

АМРО, Т. (2023). ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN WAR-TIME. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(67), 5-8. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2023-1(67)-1