political system, deviance, martial law, sociological research, president, branch of power, Constitution of UkraineAbstract
The events of February 24, 2022 became a real shock for the entire Ukrainian society. The full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine affected all spheres of life, in particular, the political system of our country. After V. Zelensky came to power in 2019, it was already quite monocentric - the presidential political party "Servant of the People" won a monomajority in the Verkhovna Rada. And the President of Ukraine himself was a key politician in the state, who influenced all branches of government. After the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the process of deviation of the political system accelerated. This was influenced by many factors that were the result of a full-scale war in the center of Europe: granting the head of state a significant amount of powers in the executive power, prescribed in the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law"; high popularity and personal rating of V. Zelenskyi both within the country and around the world; strengthening of contacts with the first persons of the most influential states; steps taken by V. Zelenskyi himself to preserve the state and protect it during large-scale hostilities. The combination of these factors further strengthened the presidentialization of the political regime in Ukraine. That is why the question arises, which is also the purpose of this article, to study the impact of the 2019 elections, as well as the martial law introduced due to the full-scale attack of Russia on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, on the deviation of the political system in Ukraine. After all, the above-mentioned aspects collectively lead to the first plan of a political study of the current political system, the question of the consequences of such a deviation for Ukraine, in particular, in the perspective of the transformation of the system after the victory in this war. Based on the current trends, it is becoming urgent to change the form of government in Ukraine. Transition or to the presidential form of government with the consolidation at the legislative level of the key political role of the President of the state, as, in particular, the head of the Government. Or the legislative reduction of this role, the transition to a parliamentary form of government. Where the leader of the party that won the parliamentary elections becomes a prominent figure, and the position of the head of state becomes nominal. Any of these options will help to normalize and stabilize the political system, reducing both the existing bicephalism of the executive power and its possible further deviation.
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