state policy, socio-economic sector, stage, implementation, public health, public threats, formation, developmentAbstract
The article defines the main functions of the public health system as the most socially effective, comprehensive and sustainable ways of strengthening the health of the population and reducing the severity of diseases. In recent years, active work has been underway to introduce a system of motivating people to lead a healthy life into the system of medical prevention. A special place is given to individual cities as independent structural units that have great potential in this field. Planning health and social care systems requires a great deal of conceptual clarity about the public health system. Global challenges such as the rise of non-communicable diseases, aging populations, and rising health care costs are found to emphasize the importance of public health investments and create a need for comprehensive public health services. New public health strategies, rationally focused on health promotion, are proposed. Society increasingly recognize the fact that public health protection by the efforts of medical workers alone cannot provide the desired results, which allows us to raise the issue of defining the boundaries of services in various sectors of public administration and areas of responsibility for public health indicators. It has been proven that the growth of the main indicators of public health as the most socio-economically effective, comprehensive and sustainable ways of strengthening the health of the population and individuals, reducing the burden of diseases, achieving the goals of sustainable development and general coverage of health care services for all segments of the population, regardless of from financial support. In recent years, the State Ministry of Health has been actively working on introducing a system of motivating people to lead a healthy lifestyle into the system of medical prevention. It is substantiated that for the further development of the public health system at the national, regional and municipal levels, more clarity is needed regarding the health care of the population in its separate territorial formations associated with the consolidation of treatment facilities and the creation of appropriate logistics for each settlement that is included to the community The main goal is to study the main characteristics of the public health system, the public health system and the results of its application as a tool for building a public health system.
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