
  • Volodymyr ORLENKO



state control mechanisms, European integration, anti-corruption control, financial control, state control


The article analyzes the main mechanisms of state control, their meaning and state in the realities of today's Ukraine. The author has defined four mechanisms of state control: regulatory, legal, anti-corruption, preventive and preventive, but the list is not exhaustive and permanent, but is the author's vision, taking into account the needs of reforming the system of state control for the implementation of the European integration vector by Ukraine. Analyzing the theoretical base and current legislation, it was determined that state control is an important component of a democratic system, as it ensures balance and interaction between different branches of government, ensures compliance of governmental actions with the interests of citizens and society, while there is no clear consolidation of the sphere of state control, implementing it in depending on the state industry. The importance of creating a system of control bodies that ensure systematic and objective control is emphasized, as well as the importance of standards and norms for evaluating the activities of control subjects and ensuring their compliance with established requirements. The relevant bodies should be primarily those that react to problems even before they arise, trying to eliminate them in the embryonic state. A separate mechanism of definitions is anti-corruption, as such, which is proposed by the EU as one of the key ones in the context of Ukraine's accession. Which is aimed at ensuring transparency, effectiveness and honesty in the activities of state bodies, requiring compliance with established rules and regulations. The article concludes that the improvement of the state control system is of key importance for the creation of a modern, open and democratic state that ensures proper compliance with laws and the fulfillment of duties to citizens and the public. The proposed state control mechanisms reflect the vision of effective control in all spheres of state administration.


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How to Cite

ОРЛЕНКО, В. (2023). PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATE CONTROL MECHANISMS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(68), 118-124.