
  • Volodymyr ORLENKO



state control, national security, democratic civil control, public management


The article examines the theoretical aspect of state control as the basis of Ukraine's national security. The author states that for the development of a democratic society, state control is one of the most important functions of state administration, especially now that the issue of national security has become a priority. The purpose of the article (statement of the task) is a theoretical study of state control as the basis of national security based on the analysis of scientific works and legal documents. The proposed article defines that state control is the activity of authorities within the limits of their legal powers to prevent the occurrence of legislative violations. The author determined that state control in the sphere of national security of Ukraine is represented by a system of measures carried out by representatives of a specific field of activity to ensure legal management of the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine with the use of all possible legal instruments of control to ensure transparency, effective activity of the sphere of security and defense to protect legitimate human and citizen rights and freedoms. The author outlines special control in the field of national security – democratic civil control, and defines the subjects of state control in the field of national security. Conclusions. It was determined that control ensures the clarity and specificity of the decisions made, limits and makes illegal activities impossible, therefore the essence of state control consists in monitoring the activity of a certain object, obtaining reliable information about the state of legality and, in case of its violation, taking measures to prevent and eliminate them. It was noted that the system of subjects of state control consists of state bodies, officials and institutions of civil society.


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How to Cite

ОРЛЕНКО, В. (2023). CHARACTERISTICS OF STATE CONTROL AS THE TOOL OF NATIONAL SECURITY IN UKRAINE: THEORETICAL BASICS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(69), 57-62.