


public organizations, environmental security policy, public participation, lobbying, scientific research, environmental education, international cooperation, sustainable development, local initiatives, nature conservation


The author considered the key role of public organizations in Ukraine in the formation of environmental security policy and their influence on the creation of environmentally conscious and active communities. A variety of initiatives covering educational programs, practical trainings and local initiatives aimed at the development of a sustainable lifestyle, nature conservation and solving local environmental problems have been studied. It is emphasized that thanks to the initiatives of public organizations, communities become centers of sustainable development, and public organizations act as catalysts for changes in the formation of ecologically responsible and balanced communities for future generations. The basic tools of public organizations, such as educational programs, trainings and local initiatives, which contribute to increasing environmental literacy and active participation of citizens in environmental protection, are justified. The actions of public organizations are considered as an important factor in the formation of a sustainable and ecologically safe society. It was determined that these organizations are not only mediators between citizens and authorities in solving environmental problems, but also a source of innovation and ideas for creating a sustainable future. In addition to the presentation of the role of public organizations in the formation of environmental security policy in Ukraine, it emphasizes that public organizations act as initiators of sustainable development and important participants in the process of changes in the way society perceives and interacts with nature. Their activities are mostly aimed at building an ecologically responsible culture and raising generations that consciously interact with the environment. Emphasizes the importance of the role of public organizations in creating an environmentally conscious society that interacts with nature, taking into account the principles of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

НІКОЛАЄВ, К. (2023). THE ROLE OF PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FORMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY POLICY IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(70), 42-47.