


regulatory and legal framework, municipal administration, community, international legislation, sustainable development.


One of the priority directions of Ukraine's development is integration into the European Union. One of the important components of this process is the implementation of relevant international and European standards of community participation in municipal administration. In this context, the text of the article analyzes the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the I, II and III European Charters of Cities, the European Charter on the Participation of Yong People in Local and Regional Life, the Declaration on Regionalism in Europe, the Laeken Declaration, the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, the Valencia Declaration, etc. At the same time, attention is paid to the analysis of issues related to the study and assimilation of advanced European practices of municipal management in cities, especially large agglomerations, as centers of concentration of political, economic, social and cultural capital. In addition, the article highlights the logic of the development and adoption of international documents, which indicates the gradual expansion and involvement of the maximum number of social groups (youth, women, foreigners, etc.) in municipal administration. As a result of the analysis, the basic principles of normative and legal regulation of community participation in municipal administration were revealed: decentralization, flexibility, adaptability, coordination and cooperation. It was established that in the process of development of the national system of ensuring community participation in municipal administration, a set of tasks related to establishing cross-border cooperation, increasing the level of activity of community residents, developing partnership relations, coordinating regulatory documents at the strategic and local level, and developing mechanisms for receiving feedback are actualized.


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How to Cite

АКУЛА, К. (2023). INTERNATIONAL REGULATORY AND LEGAL BASIS OF COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(71), 7-15.