


methodology, public authority, public administration, rule of law, worldview.


The relevance of the problems of creating the system of effective public administration is determined by its permanent nature, which makes it necessary to define clear methodological foundations of phenomena in the field of public administration. Emphasis is placed on such a property of the scientific developments of the public administration methodology as eclecticism and the lack of an established perception of the methodology concept. The purpose of the article is to cover the methodological bases of public administration under the rule of law. A number of provisions defining the modern perception of public administration methodology have been formulated. First, an adequate understanding of the public administration methodology requires clarity of terminology and its consistent use that determines the necessity to distinguish between the methodology and the public administration methods. The public administration methodology is understood as a system of epistemological means and represents a theoretical level of the relevant subject understanding. The public administration methods are understood as a set of specific techniques for the implementation of public administration. Secondly, the methodology of public administration is a component of the methodology of social phenomena knowledge. The close connection of processes and phenomena in the sphere of public administration and the sphere of law is emphasized. Although objects of knowledge in the field of public administration have their own characteristics in comparison with objects of knowledge in the field of law. It is pointed out the expediency of considering the structure of the methodology by clarifying the content of such elements as principles, approaches and methods. Thirdly, in the epistemology of social phenomena, the scientist’s worldview occupies an important place: the worldview of the researcher is decisive for the scientist’s intention and the choice of appropriate methodological approaches. Emphasis is placed on the differences in the representation of public management by scientists within democratic and non-democratic regimes. It is summarized that the public administration methodology understanding should be based on its perception as a means of scientific knowledge. Herewith, methodology and methods should be clearly distinguished; as the basis of the epistemology of phenomena and processes of public administration, it is advisable to take the methodology of social phenomena, which structurally includes a number of principles, methods and approaches.


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How to Cite

ЗАВГОРОДНЯ, Ю., & КУЧУК, А. (2023). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE RULE OF LAW: METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(71), 41-45.