natsiogenesis, nation, nation-building, ethnos, ethnogenesis, ethno-national sphere.Abstract
The article is devoted to the research and analysis of the modern theory of the nation and natiogenesis and defines the possible modern directions of further scientific research. Having examined the features and regularities of the process from the standpoint of different approaches to this problem, the article examines the formation of the modern process of the formation of the Ukrainian nation, which in a certain way should be based on the historical experience of the previous stages of nationogenesis and provides an opportunity to compare the views of different scientists on the process of the development of nations and identify common structural elements or phases of development. The interaction of “objective” and “subjective” features of the nation, its ethnic and social components is traced. Concepts of both foreign scientists and the most important ideas of Ukrainian scientific practice are provided. The processes of nation-genesis of various state entities of that time are analyzed. The article analyzes the current legal framework. Recommendations are offered regarding the impossibility of ignoring the main features of nation-building: language, literature, folklore, art, history, law, religion, and other features. The general conclusion of the article indicates the importance of effective interaction between the state and the Ukrainian political nation. The considered historical experience demonstrates that the deeper the knowledge about the cultural and historical development of a particular ethnic group, the more promising the ways of its formation.
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